Terms and Conditions

Effective Date:

This Terms and Conditions page is effective as of 9.26.2020.

Defining parties

We are evergreenelementaryenvironmentaleducation.com. Throughout this page, both before and after this distinction we reserve the right to refer ourselves as we, us, our, my, I, Evergreen Education, Evergreen Elementary Environmental Education, this site, the website, this website, my site, my website, and the site.

We will refer to our users before and after this distinction as visitors, users, followers, subscribers, you, and customers.

Purpose and Restrictions

Please read this page, the privacy policy, and the disclaimer before using this website for any purposes. If you disagree with any information on any three pages you do not have permission to use the website, follow us on social media, or subscribe to our email list. Both the privacy policy and the disclaimer our incorporated by reference into the Terms and Conditions.

If you are under the age of 13 you do not have permission to use this website without express content from a parent or guardian.

Harassment Policy

Any person harassing either Evergreen Education or any other users of this page, by email, or by social media will be permanently banned from the site and all social media platforms in relation to Evergreen Education. Harassment is defined as an act or instance of harassing, torment, vexation, intimidation, or any attempt to bully. Harassment can be a one-time offense or multiple offenses, neither will be tolerated and both will result in the immediate ban of the website.

Sales and Affiliates

While Evergreen Elementary Environmental Education does not currently have any sales, advertisements, affiliate marking, or sponsors please be aware that any point I reserve the right to add sales, advertisements, sponsors, and affiliate marking onto the website.

In the event, I do monetize the site and began to sell, advertise, use affiliate programs, or become sponsored I reserve the right to use my email list as a place for advertisement.

Email list subscribers

When accepting the Terms and Conditions specifically for email list subscribers you are agreeing to receive emails from Evergreen Education. These emails will include a welcome series, a monthly newsletter, and possible extra advertisements in the event that the website is monetized.

Copy Write

This blog is protected by copy write. Any attempt to steal or use original content or media from this website will result in an immediate ban from the website and legal actions. Use of original content includes but is not limited to videos, photos, pictures, worksheets, coloring pages, hand-drawn pictures, text, and any other creative content in any form

Evergreen Education has not knowingly or willfully infringe on any copy write. All media was used in good faith that it was part of the public domain. If copywrites laws have been broken or violated please immediately email Evergreen.env.education@gmail.com to have the content removed.

Write Changes

I can change the content on this page, the privacy policy, the disclaimer, and any other page on the website at any time without prior notice or consent from users, subscribers, visitors, or followers. I can change any content on my website. By continuing to use this website in any way, including,  but not limited, to subscribing to the email list, visiting the website, or following me on social media is an acceptance of the disclaimer, the policy page, and these terms and conditions. It is the customers responsibility to keep themselves updated on all changing policy and content.


If you have questions, comments, or concerns about the information on this page or any of the other legal pages email me at evergreen.env.education@gmail.com. 


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